Stop war
We have to work to reach peace in all world because war means whole families destructed
I believe that it is time for stopping any kind of violence, it is not possible to see families destructed for few men who want more money and power.Every war began only for thirst of power, in this picture we see an father who have tried to save the life of own son but unsuccessful.
In the our previous post we have written about thousand and thousand dead for the war in Iraq, we are talking of at least 100,000 dead, we are talking or families where mothers and their kids are killed in house during they were sleeping, just for a second think your life if every night you feel worried because a bomb can drop on your roof, you image just for a second how could be your life if you see your neighbors torn in many piece, your neighbors that every morning say "Good morning" and now the mother is 4 pieces her son of 9 years is unrecognizable and his sister of 2 years in open in 2 pieces.
I am sorry for our clear language, but tha war is this, the war is not only number , the war is an horrible thing where whole families are killed, whole families die and they have not guilty for this, they want only live in #Peace, they only want raise their kids and to have a normal life. In the nexts our war articles we tell you real story about civilians killed from this horrible war.
Please help us to STOP WAR.
Share this post because awarness is very important to stop every wars in the world.
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